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Pigment Dispersions
Leading Manufacturer & Supplier for
paper industry wet end, coating & printing paper
Water & Solvents based liquid dispersions applications in following uses
Paper Industry - Wet end, Coating, Paper Printing
White board markers ready-to-use pigment dispersion concentrate
Range of Pigment Dispersions Products by application
Sr. No. Name of Product  
1 KpSperse - for PAPER
2 KpTex - for TEXTILE (free from Benzidine or Restricted Substance)
5 KpCoat - for PAINT
3 KpLetic - for RUBBER
100 series - Aqueous based pigment violet dispersions for the paper application
Sr. No. Name of Product C. I. Name of pigment
1 KpSperse Violet 101 Pigment Violet 3:0
2 KpSperse Violet 103 Pigment Violet 23
5 KpSperse Violet 104 Pigment Violet 27
3 KpSperse Violet 106 Pigment Violet 19
4 KpSperse Violet 107 Pigment Violet 1
100 series - Aqueous based pigment blue dispersions for the paper application
Sr. No. Name of Product C. I. Name of pigment
2 KpSperse Blue 101 Pigment Blue 14
1 KpSperse Blue 103 Pigment Blue 15:0
100 series - Aqueous based pigment green dispersions for the paper application
Sr. No. Name of Product C. I. Name of pigment
1 KpSperse Green 103 Pigment Green 7
100 series - Aqueous based pigment yellow dispersions for the paper application
Sr. No. Name of Product C. I. Name of pigment
1 KpSperse Yellow 103 Pigment Yellow 83
4 KpSperse Yellow 108 Pigment Yellow 13
100 series - Aqueous based pigment orange dispersions for the paper application
Sr. No. Name of Product C. I. Name of pigment
1 KpSperse Orange 105 Pigment Orange 13
100 series - Aqueous based pigment red dispersions for the paper application
Sr. No. Name of Product C. I. Name of pigment
1 KpSperse Red 101 Pigment Red 81:0
3 KpSperse Red 103 Pigment Red 5
2 KpSperse Red 105 Pigment Red 2
100 series - Aqueous based pigment black dispersions for the paper application
Sr. No. Name of Product C. I. Name of pigment
1 KpSperse Black 103 Pigment Black 7
Key Uses: Paper Industry - Wet end, coating, printing paper
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